Our Work
Now more than ever, Hope Infant School needs your support to accommodate our growing community of young scholars. Hope Infant School is in urgent need of resources to reach our goal of expanding our school building in order to provide housing, increased classroom space, a lunchroom and bathroom facilities to our students. The impact of such expansion would not only be felt by our students now, but for generations to come. Below is our three-phase plan for reaching this goal.
Building Hope
Development Plan
Fundraising Goal of
$200,000 over 3 years

Phase 1
Library Addition
Recently, a generous donation enabled us to build a library for our students and teachers. The first phase of our plan would expand this building by constructing two additional classrooms above the library. As well as purchasing new furniture and classroom accessories for the new space.
Estimated Cost $38,000
Phase 2
Construction of 3-story Building
Phase 2a: Demolish the 5 upper grade classrooms and replace with the 1st floor consisting of 4 classrooms. We will also build boys and girls bathrooms. (5/25–6/25)
Phase 2b: Build the 2nd floor consisting of 4 classrooms. (8/25–9/25)
Phase 2c: Build the 3rd floor consisting of dormitory for boys and girls and bathrooms. (12/25–1/26) •
Purchase new furniture and classroom accessories. (0ngoing) $15,000
Replace dormitory furnishings and incidentals. (0ngoing) $10,000

Estimated Cost $90,000
Phase 2a
Funding Met!!!

Phase 3
Bathrooms & Lunchroom
Phase 3a: Demolish 3 primary grade classrooms and old dormitory and replace with 1st floor consisting of the following:
a kitchen
staff meeting room and bathrooms
school offices and a lunchroom. (5/26–6/26)
Phase 3b: Build the 2nd floor consisting of a lunchroom and sick bay. (8/26–9/26)
Estimated Cost $60,000
Project Completion by 12/2026